Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Salamander Update

Yeah, this is mostly just an excuse to post a ton of cutesy salamander pictures I've been taking lately. It seems like X, Y and Z's appetite changes with the season; right now since its spring they've all been extremely hungry. They're also getting a lot smarter. Every time I walk by the cage they stick their heads out looking for food, and yesterday when I went to lower insects into the cage Xenon jumped up into the air, mouth open, tongue outstretched, four separate times. How do they even have the muscle for that kind of thing!? Anyway, they're all about 10 inches long now, and Zinc is for sure a girl.

(Zinc is in the back, Xenon is the left-most foreground salamander, and Yttrium is on the right. You can tell them apart because Zinc has a black stripe down her spine, Xenon is full of spots, and Yttrium has thin, black stripes.)

A lot of people say that salamanders don't care whether they have company or not, but I'm not so sure. They tend to all congregate together in a big cute lump more often then not, so I think they enjoy each other's company. Also, the general opinion about plants in cages is that since salamanders burrow, they couldn't care less about whether or not there is greenery in their cages. I disagree. They seem to like burrowing in the plant's roots, and definitely like taking shelter under it. So I have no idea what those people are talking about.

I also recently gave them a bath, as you can see by the first picture on this post. It's one of those things that people tell you not to do, but salamanders are amphibians! And they seemed to like it, except for Xenon who is a huge poop and just wanted to climb out. I even took a video of that so if I get around to it, maybe I'll post it on youtube.

Anyway, that's that. Maybe I'll post again sometime soon. :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bad Pick-Up Lines

Do you work at Subway? Because you just gave me a footlong.

*beckon the person over with your index finger* I made you come with one finger, imagine what I could do with the rest.

Hey, did you know I'm an astronaut? My next trip is to Uranus.

Are you a fan of Pokemon because I'd love to Pikachu.

I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle.

If snowflakes were kisses I'd send you a blizzard!

You have 209 bones in your body... do you want another?

Do you work at UPS, because I swear you were just checking out my package.

Do you want to see something swell?

Wanna come over to myspace and twitter all over my yahoo until I google all over your facebook?

You must be a parking ticket because you have “fine” written all over you!

I'm like a rubrics cube, the more you play with me the harder I get.

I'm 5 foot 9 inches. Now enough about the five feet, lets talk about the nine inches.

How heavy is a polar bear? ...heavy enough to break the ice!

That shirt is quite becoming of you. If I were on you I'd becoming too.

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Back in 2003 I burned a disk of my computer files. It was a good thing too, because that computer and its hard drive is long gone now, and I had a lot of art and stories that I saved that way. The best part was the mass of old art files I found on there, a lot of them almost painful to look at now. However, there also was an image I once considered to be the best picture I ever made. I still think it is quite good, especially since I made it when I was about 13.

Larger Image Here: Click Me!

I still like that image a ton actually. The only downfall is the color blemishes on the lettering, which I messed up with white-out and then had to try to make presentable. Oh well, art is just like that sometimes.