Friday, May 1, 2009

End of the Year, HUZZAH!

Packing up at the end of the year never is a very organized event for me.  I tyically gather everything that I don't need for my last few days, throw it into a pile, and gradually move that pile into my car.  This year is no different, though I do have to say I'm glad I won't be coming back to the dorms next year.  They're convenient and all, but the lack of personal space... no, scratch that, lack of ANY space is just a pain.  Plus, having roommates you're not familiar with is uncomfortable at best.  Though rooming with friends may bring it's own surprises, I will say having an apartment with my own room and more space will be much better then my experiences over the last couple years.  It should be more comfortable, more enjoyable... it'll be more like home.  :D  (Plus, I must say I am very excited for a kitchen that I don't have to walk five minutes to access, and not having to babysit the oven while my food cooks.)  >.<

On another note, I just finished with a huge art final and I'm glad to be done with it.  I had fourteen individual pieces drawn up for it, and so if you're a watcher of my deviantart account, be ready.  Though I'm not going to post all of the pictures here (because this blog is more for works in progress and such), I suppose I could give you all a sneak peak anyway.  :)

Thanks for reading guys!  I appreciate it.  :D

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