Tuesday, April 28, 2009

W.I.P. 2

I have a big final project that is due in my Drawing class this Friday. I more or less need to have an entire children's book finished, story and all. I did some more work on it tonight, fleshing out the majority of one page and a little bit of another. The finished pieces will be up on my deviantart account sooner or later, but for now here are the works in progress.

"The blackness moved, and oozed, and Zoe grabbed onto Dog who was growling and barking. Whatever this thing was, sleeping at the top of the mountain, Zoe knew that she would not be able to go home until she got past it. She knew that with her new friends she could do it, together they could fight back the Nightmare once and for all!" (Forgive the cheesiness, but it IS a children's story!)

Yes, the Nightmare is then vanquished by sunlight. I still haven't worked out how exactly Zoe and her critter buddies are going to defeat the monster, but it's going to happen, I promise.


  1. looks really cool sara! Can't wait to see the finished product!


  3. Thanks guys! It makes me happy that people read this thing sometimes. :D
