Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Working now!

I was intending to post again sooner, but the day after my last post I got a job!  I actually went in to talk to the owners of a small convenience store I had applied with, and they ended up hiring me on the spot and sending me to work.  Since then I've been spending a lot of time there, ringing up people for gas, guns, bait, and beer.  A bad combination?  Probably.  But the people there are really nice and the customers are almost always in a good mood, so it works out well.  So far I've made about $600; not bad for two weeks of work!  Hopefully the amount of hours I'm getting will continue.  :)

Here is a link to my work's website: http://www.scenicsports.com/

Other then that, I've been spending my free time sleeping, eating, writing, and drawing, usually in that order.  My dad bought a new trailer that will be roomier and nicer then this one, so in a couple weeks I will be rocking out in a new home.  (A new home that comes with a washer and drier, huzzah!)  I'm missing my friends and teh Chad a bit, but so far things aren't going too badly at all so it's not terrible.  :)

Because I hate to post without any personal images to show, here is something I doodled up a few days ago.  It's a mount creature for one of my stories, a flightless dinosaur-like thing that growls and thrums in its throat and is pretty intelligent.  This is a female; the males have tails more like a rooster.  If you were to sit on it your feet would nestle behind the wing-arms, and you'd control the beast with a simple bitless bridle.  Personally I think they'd be pretty fun to ride.  :)
         "It was Bine who came out first; she was the younger of the two females, and colored with a medley of grays and whites and yellows.  Taller than Sayden and four times as heavy, she was a beast that stood on two strong legs and was covered in pebbly skin.  Lowering her head she snuffed at Sayden’s hair, and he laughed.  “Good girl Bine, it’s nice to see you too!”  The Raptor huffed in response, and then hissed defensively as she dropped her head to the food.  Sayden backed off a little.  “Hey now, I’m not going to be taking your breakfast!” he laughed.  He gave the Raptor a pat on the head and received an annoyed grunt in response.
            A shrill sound emanated from the scoop and then Keen emerged, blinking the sleep away from her eyes.  Keen was larger than Bine and more solidly colored, her feathers and skin a rich brown with dainty yellow tips.  “Bine is a little snappy today,” Sayden told Keen.  She swung her head to look at him and then thrummed, though much more quietly than Bine had.  With a huff she thudded around Bine, pressing her muscled sides against the other Raptor and nudging her head down into the food.  Sayden noted the pleased flick of their feathery tails and gave them both a solid pat before moving out of the scoop."


  1. I am glad to hear you are having a good time :) We miss you though :(
    But are happy for you :)
    But we want you back :(

    Jarid speaks truths!
    I'm happy it's all going good!
    Hope to talk to you again soon on teh skypes and play some D2 yes-yes!!
