Monday, June 15, 2009

Rage Quit

Today things have just not been going my way. After spending a decent chunk of time working on the image above, I just could not seem to get it to look how I wanted. The bats are supposed to be locked in mid fight, the upper one swooping in on lower one. But the legs and claws of the critters looked wrong no matter how I placed them, and the back wings just refused to look good in any position. Who knew some simple WoW fanart could become so complicated?

Anyway, after rage-quitting that I quickly ran into some problems with an MMO I've been trying to play around with. It's a game called Istaria, and you can play as a dragon which peaked my interest. It's not free but there is a 14 day free trial, so I naturally went to check it out. But after hours and hours of downloading, I was only able to get into the game for 10 minutes (10 awesome minutes) before the game lost its connection to the server and refused to reconnect. Naturally by this time I was ready to choke a bitch, so I went outside to go climb some hills and vent my frustration. The result was oddly refreshing.

I crawled my way up some pretty steep hills to see as far as I could in these pictures. When people come up to visit there are plenty of big places to climb that I hope to show them. :)

I also really liked this dirt/rock thing. I'm not really sure how it was made or what exactly it is, but for some reason it's visually appealing to me.

Anyway, now I feel pretty worn out, so now maybe I'll try my hand at that bat image again. Or even better, finish the next panel of Adventures in D&D! I only have one more background to color before it is finished, so I might as well wrap up what I started. It's turning out to be even worse then the third page... I think people will enjoy it. :)

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