Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tiger Salamanders

So, I wasn't planning it, but it seems that I have aquired a couple new pets! Two little baby tiger salamanders, to be exact! When they're little they have big tadpole tails, cute fuzzy gills, and tiny stubby legs. Eventually they mature into those black salamanders with big yellow spots that we are all familiar with. However, they are also known to grow up in their larval form, forever staying the little swimming critters that I have now. Basically, it's up to them! They live for about 10 years on average, and some have lived over 20; in either case they are easy to take care of whether they're swimming or crawling. I think they're really cute as they are right now, and will be just as cute if they decide to transform. :)

But how did I get these little guys? Well, the store that I work at has a bait shop among other things. And, I guess some people like to use baby salamanders as bait! I decided to buy a couple (at 60 cents each it was no big deal) and save them from their fate as fish food. I then of course had to go to Walmart and buy a little aquarium and some decorations, but after putting them inside they seemed to like it a lot! Assuming they survive my trip back home, I'm going to get a bigger tank and keep them with me over the school year.

So far neither of them have names, and I still don't have any good ideas. But I'm sure I'll think of something eventually (suggestions are always awesome though!) I guess tiger salamanders aren't too picky about their food, and so I've been putting worms into their tank and they've been eating them like crazy. Though the picture below is a little blurry, I even managed to get an action shot! Unfortunately the worm was too big for the little salamander's stomach, but once I split it in half one of the pieces mysteriously disapeared rather quickly. ;)

I'm going to try to take some better pictures as the little guys get settled. I never thought I'd have a pet quite like this one, but they are cute and energetic so I think they are perfect. :)

Now to name them! :D


  1. amphibian jarid.. tsk tsk..

    as for names.. I can't even decide on a name for my python.. heh.. but they're cute and I look forward to feeding them to my snake next year!! haha! only kidding!

    The first picture makes them look larger then they are! Probably cause they look like the aquarium is on the floor in like the corner of the room, which makes it seem like a bigger aquarium.
