Sunday, July 26, 2009

So, Yttrium is changing into an adult salamander.

*deep breath*


His eyes, which were flat against his head, have started bugging out, and his tail fin has been getting much smaller. His gills have been shrinking, and he walks on his little legs more like a salamander does, with his elbows stuck out instead of laying flat against his sides. Xenon has been shedding (salamanders shed, did you know?) and his belly is lightening up quite a bit. I think that means he will be changing soon too! Zinc is still quite small so I think he has a ways to go. :)

I've been moving along on my T-shirt design as well, but I haven't been able to work on it as much as I'd like due to work and retarded coworkers who just quit without letting anyone know.

It's not nearly close to being finished but I fixed some of the anatomical problems and I'm playing around with the markings. Since Blogger didn't allow people to click on the image before, here is a link to a larger version of Rex: Click Me!

Any suggestions from you guys? If anything looks weird just let me know and I'll see if I can play around with it. :)

Otherwise, just a short post for right now I guess... 13 more days until I can come home! :D

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