Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Confession

So I have a confession to make. I've never been a huge fan of music. I like music, it's not something I dislike, but keeping up with it and learning about it and collecting it has never been something I've been interested in or have wanted to spend my time on. I also love silence. When I go for too long of a time with constant noise, I just get irritated! I need time where I can just listen to the normal sounds around me, devoid of music and TV and other inturruptions. I don't know why this is... I never made the choice to detatch myself from music and the music community. It's just an interest that never really developed within me, and continues to be low-key and uninterested.

Anyway, that said, I have a very interesting dilemma. As many of you know, the only thing I can multitask with (as far as I know) is drawing. I love drawing and painting in silence, or having a TV playing in the background, or talking with someone while I draw; it's like while my eyes are focused on creating my ears and mouth are free to focus on other things. While working on traditional peices I can sit for hours and hours just drawing and listening, whether there is silence around me or otherwise. However, when I'm on the computer this focus for some reason crumbles. I have such a strong desire to create digital work, but I just can't keep up the focus for it to happen. The internet distracts me, or my mind wanders to a thought so interesting that I break from my work; often times I can only draw for a mere 15 minutes before dropping it altogether. That is, unless...

You guessed it. Unless I'm listening to music.

There is this artist that goes by the internet name "Neon Dragon." She often does live streams of herself drawing in photoshop, complete with a musical track to suppliment her work. Her stuff is popular and decent but not fantastic; she created the common "How to Draw Dragons" artbook that I'm sure you guys have seen at Borders and Barnes and Noble. Anyway, whenever I find her streaming I often don't even watch her; instead after five minutes I really want to draw so I open up photoshop and get to work while her music streams in the background. Guess what happens? Well shit, I can't stop drawing! My mind is satisfied listening to her music while my eyes and hands are busy creating.

This leaves me in an interesting predicament. Do I go through the trouble of collecting a music library for my own artistic purposes when my actual interest in the process is low? Or do I just keep on doing what I'm doing? Hmm.

Anyway, this is a lot of text and no pictures. Here, have a dinosaur update: (Bigger image here: )

Not so sure about the collar, but I'm afraid people might be too daft to get the connection without it. Also not so sure on the tree coloring yet. Any input?


  1. Well I would give you a mix if you wanted. That way you dont have to do much? Let me know! :-D I really enjoy your blogs!

  2. I'd love a mix! I actually like getting music from friends because I almost always like what they give me and then I have a variety to listen to if I'm so inclined. :)

  3. I'd mix some things for you too, all you have to do is ask and I'll burn you some fun cds of the stuff I like to listen to. And hey if you don't like it, then you can always toss it! I wont feel bad!

  4. Just to add to it, I CAN MAKE A MIX TOOO!!!!
