Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm totally a college student.

I experimented with making Ramen today. I had some celery laying around and was in the mood for something quick yet delicious, so I was like, "what the heck?" I then dug through my food cupboard and found a can of chicken, kinda like a can of tuna only it was chicken. So, I put some water in a pan and cut up two stalks of celery, and then threw the chicken in there and the flavoring packet too. (The flavor was roast beef, and I figured I wanted some of that flavor to ooze into my celery so I better cook it together, you know?) Anyway, I dug around some more and found a few beef granules, like bullion cubes mushed up. So I threw some of that in too. Add the noodles, boil it for a bit, and tadaa! Food! I definitely like the celery, but I probably didn't need two stalks, and the flavor is pretty good but maybe some garlic would make it even better. Oh well, there you go. Proof that I'm a college student. :)


  1. Yeah!!! Experimenting -> cooking. : )
    May I suggest onion with the garlic? maybe some peas or carrots if'n you dig 'em?

  2. I needs to cook more, and I don't mean just ramen-xperimenting, but like real cooking. Some sort of chicken dish, maybe a something else.
