Thursday, November 12, 2009


So, I have this online poem class I'm taking right now where once I week I have to write two poems and send them in. It's pretty easy and kind of fun, since I've never seriously wrote any poems before and the atmosphere is so relaxed I can just plop down whatever I want and not have to worry about it. This week I had to write a sonnet for one of my poems, and I actually think mine is pretty sweet so I'm going to share it. (If you need a brush up on what a sonnet is, it is a 14 line poem with an iambic pentameter meter. That is, an unstressed-stressed pattern, and there needs to be five of those in each line. Confused? Yeah, me too!)

So, anyway, here you go!

Trans Fat

What is the use of a mere onion ring,
Dripping with oil and full of gross fat?
Who in the world would eat such a thing?
Taste and shape not even fit for a cat!
And yet sometimes when I order some fries,
I peek inside and what do my eyes see?
Amid the sticks of potatoes it lies,
A round deep fried product of greesery!
"What is this monstrosity?" I exclaim!
With a finger and thumb I fish it out.
"An onion ring?" I say with clear disdain!
Looking at it my mouth forms to a pout.
But after a moment I plop it in,
"It's not that bad," I say with a small grin.

I seem to like silly poems, hehe. :D

Also, I had a project due for my drawing class this last Tuesday and of course I didn't start until the day before. I was feeling a bit crappy just in general about life, (I feel a lot better now, it was a weird funk) and so I just used that to pump out a big charcoal mess. My favorite is the little dude in the upper right:

Otherwise, I'm thinking for my final painting project I might get a little ambitious and try to pump out a short little animation... I dunno though, that's a lot of work. Corey has inspired me though and I'm always trying to work up the motivation to make an actual hand-drawn animation, so maybe this is my chance!? We'll see....


  1. That's good to hear! Though I did spend an hour today scanning animation drawings... >_<

    Good luck, and show me if you end up doing it!
