Tuesday, April 28, 2009

W.I.P. 2

I have a big final project that is due in my Drawing class this Friday. I more or less need to have an entire children's book finished, story and all. I did some more work on it tonight, fleshing out the majority of one page and a little bit of another. The finished pieces will be up on my deviantart account sooner or later, but for now here are the works in progress.

"The blackness moved, and oozed, and Zoe grabbed onto Dog who was growling and barking. Whatever this thing was, sleeping at the top of the mountain, Zoe knew that she would not be able to go home until she got past it. She knew that with her new friends she could do it, together they could fight back the Nightmare once and for all!" (Forgive the cheesiness, but it IS a children's story!)

Yes, the Nightmare is then vanquished by sunlight. I still haven't worked out how exactly Zoe and her critter buddies are going to defeat the monster, but it's going to happen, I promise.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Velociraptor Seeks Your Life!

Here is another photo of my bone velociraptor from painting class. Unfortunately my camera phone is not good enough to take a super detailed image, but until I get a better picture this will have to do. Me and my painting buddies decided that this could quite possibly be the most awesome painting I've ever done. Oil paints and big brushes didn't make it easy, but it's pretty badass in my opinion so that's okay with me.

I figure a picture like this can't exist without a story to go along with it, so if you are so inclined, here is the destruction of a city via a bone velociraptor (and told through the eyes of some religious old guy.) Ho shit.

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"I never did believe it until I saw it. Nope, not until I saw it with my own two eyes. The earth was a-rumblin', the sky was dark as coal, and yet none of us folk could quite wrap our heads around it. We packed up our belongin's, sure, and stashed away a good ol' mound o' food. But until that shiny white head popped itself over the top of my own house, I didn't believe a word of it. Bones don't just get up and move, no they don't! And certainly not those dino-saaur bones, whatever them be. But sure enough, as real as the sun above our very head, that dino-saaur came lumberin' over my very own house! I could barely believe it, but I saw it and I think it saw me. And then it opened it's mouth and made this sound, a sound unlike nothin' in the world I tell you! It was like a train crashin', and a tornado whirlin', and a thunderstorm all wrapped into one long screech! It screamed away my own hearin', and then it crushed my house, yes it did!

Now me and my brother and sister started screamin' and runnin', but I don't think the big monster noticed to be honest with ya. That creature, born from Satan let me tell you, walked right over us. I ain't never seen nothin' that huge before! No creature on God's green earth could have done what that bone thing did; it was evil, pure evil! Now we all kept runnin' even as the dino-saaur walked over us. There was smoke everywhere, people screamin', some dead and others dyin'. And I thought to myself, 'We isn't gunna make it, are we?' But I was lucky I thought that, let me tell you! I got so scared that I locked right up, and that big bone monster swept it's tail down right in front of me! None of us three were hit, but the buildin' beside us was, and before I could move even an inch the thing fell on top of my brother! I cried, 'Sam, Sam!' but he didn't ever respond; my sister cried and cried and I did too, or so she says. I was so damn angry at the time that I don't rightly remember; all I could see was that demonic monstrocity, killin' and destroyin' and swipin' it's tail and death claw all over the damn place.

Me an' my sister scurried off then, to somewhere dark an' secluded. I led the way but I didn't really know where I was goin'; there was so much rubble and smoke I couldn't see hardly anythin'. Wherever we went to we were safe. I watched until the big white dino-saaur disappeared, and waited until the rumblin' was gone too. When we finally came out o' the darkness there wasn't much left to see; damn creature leveled everythin' and then went on to some other city. I never was sure how it died, some bomb or missile or somethin'. I just hope you young people never have to see anythin' like it. That screech it had, something straight from the devil, let me tell you. There ain't nothin' about that event that was natural, nothin' at all...."

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Works in Progress

Because I often have multiple art projects going on at once (some of which never get finished, others that do) a blog is the perfect place to show these unfinished and in-progress pieces. Today I have four to show, all of which are at different stages of development. Though some have been just sitting around for a while now, I do plan to get back to all of them at some point. Perhaps posting about them will help motivate me on the few that I haven't been focusing on? Either way here you go, some eye-candy for now.

A bone Velociraptor I am painting in my painting class (there is a city burning in the background):

A fire-starting skull from one of my stories (it's name is foxy):

My progress on the third panel in Adventures in D&D:

And, finally, a strange trilobite-like creature. I want to experiment with a new coloring style in this picture, but it is strange and kind of difficult so it's just sitting around at the moment.

That's all for now. Hope you all like seeing my scribbles and unfinished projects.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


"You, who lives a meaningless existence, life centered around money and wealth, whose self-proclaimed wellbeing depends upon the strength of your fist! You, who can't take one second to care about your childhood friends, their bellies dragging across the ground when you have the ability to take them to the skies? Who are you to judge my worth, with your eyes so blinded by the clouds above? Who are you to know the plights of us ground folk, whose wings can do nothing more but drag us across the dirt?"

Syth stood, staring at Mrug, and for the first time in as long as she could remember he did not have an answer. She watched as the stone mask of his face peeled away, leaving behind something that was white and raw and real. And then she knew, she knew for sure; he was not going to have an answer. For the words that spilled from her mouth, as wet and raw as a fresh wound, were true and real. And he had no lies to combat that.

Not today. Not ever.